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Today is International Day of Happiness. Join with us and all the countries around the world to Celebrate and help share happiness, not just today, but every day.

International Day  of Happiness has become recognised as ‘the’ special day to be happy!

Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated the International Day of Happiness as a way to recognize the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world. We invite everyone,  no matter what age; in every classroom, business and government office to join in celebration of the International Day of Happiness.

It’s so easy to make somebody happy, but first we should start with ourselves, and here are some TOP TIPS how to be happy all the time:


  • Decide to be happy, Happiness is a Daily Choice
  • Be Grateful, it’s not happiness that brings gratitude, but it’s gratitude that brings happiness
  • Appreciate simple things
  • Free yourself from all negative thoughts.
  • Have a positive attitude, attitude is a little thing, but it makes a big difference
  • Be kind and do something good for others
  • Have love in your life: love yourself and others
  • Live in the present, Happiness is in the present moment
  • Do something nice every day for others
  • Be happy with yourself


1. You can’t see your ears without a mirror.
2. You can’t count your hair
3. You can’t breathe through your nose, with your tongue out
4. You just tried no. 3
6. When you did no. 3, you realized that it is possible, only you look like a dog
7. You are smiling right now, because you were fooled
8. You skipped no. 5
9. You just checked to see if there is no. 5
10. Share this with your friend and make them happy

Once again, we wish you all happiness in the world and be happy! 😉

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